Our Community Mission StatementAt Unicorns.LIVE, our mission is to provide a streaming platform that fosters inclusivity and a safe space for open and honest discussions about health. We believe that everyone deserves to see themselves represented in the media they consume, and we are committed to creating a platform that promotes diversity and celebrates individuality.Our goal is to offer a wide range of inclusive content, from thought-provoking documentaries to entertaining shows reflecting the diverse experiences of our audience. We are dedicated to providing a community space that is a safe and supportive environment where individuals can discuss their thoughts and feelings.At Unicorns.LIVE, we believe in the power of storytelling to connect people and create positive change in the world. We are committed to amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities and promoting awareness of important health issues. With our platform, we hope to inspire and empower our viewers to make informed decisions about their health and wellness.Community Commitments:We at Unicorns.LIVE are committed to creating a safe and inclusive community for all of our users. In order to ensure that our platform remains a welcoming space for everyone, we have established the following community guidelines with a zero tolerance policy for hate speech:1. Respect others: We expect all users to treat others with respect and kindness, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, ability or any other personal characteristic.2. Zero tolerance for hate speech: Hate speech, including language or actions that promote discrimination, bigotry, or intolerance towards any individual or group, will not be tolerated on our platform. This includes, but is not limited to, derogatory language, slurs, and personal attacks.3. No bullying or harassment: We do not allow bullying or harassment of any kind on our platform. This includes any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, belittle, shame or harm another person. No doxxing: publishing private identifying information of any individual.4. No violence or threats: Users are prohibited from making threats of violence or engaging in any behavior that promotes violence or harm towards others.5. Keep it legal: Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using our platform. Any illegal activity or content will be immediately reported to the appropriate authorities.6. Be accountable: Users are responsible for their own actions and behavior on our platform. If you witness any violations of our community guidelines, please report them to us immediately.We take these guidelines seriously and will not hesitate to take appropriate action against any user who violates them, including removal of content, suspension, or termination of their account. By joining our community, you agree to abide by these guidelines and help us create a safe and inclusive space for all.
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in 🍿 content
November 19, 2023

Ella's next Holiday episode is up and ready for you! https://unicorns.live/programs/be-comfort-zone

in 🍿 content
November 23, 2023

We are thrilled to introduce a new podcast and series that will begin recording in December... Dénht’ā - Hi How Are you? With Ella l'Amoureux

"Dénht’ā," which means "Hi. How are you?" in the Kaska Dene language, is more than just a greeting. It's an invitation to engage, to understand, and to connect. In each episode of this podcast, we'll be diving into the lives of Indigenous folks from a variety of First Nations. We're exploring everything from the complexities of living in a colonial world to the rich tapestry of our cultural identities and how these are woven into our daily lives.

Read the full blog on: https://www.rebelliousunicorns.com/blogs/news/dive-into-denht-a-with-ella-lamoureux-a-podcast-of-heartfelt-stories-and-indigenous-voices

Be on the podcast with Ella Lamoureuxhttps://unicorns.link/denta

#indigenousfolks #culturalidentity #onthepodcast #podcast #indigenous #twospirit #twospirited #denta #ellalamoureux #twospiritgoddess #culturalceremony #indigenoustalks

in 🍿 content
November 20, 2023

Have you participated in Ella's Virtual Bingo Yet? Be sure to check it out tonight Check out the schedule here - https://unicorns.live/calendar/agenda

in 🍿 content
November 21, 2023

The final episode of Ella's Holiday Season has now dropped. Don't miss out. https://unicorns.live/programs/be-holiday-hussy

in 👋 introduce-yourself
October 03, 2023
• Edited (Oct 03, 2023)

Mission Statement

At Unicorns.LIVE, our mission is to provide a streaming platform that fosters inclusivity and a safe space for open and honest discussions about health. We believe that everyone deserves to see themselves represented in the media they consume, and we are committed to creating a platform that promotes diversity and celebrates individuality.

Our goal is to offer a wide range of inclusive content, from thought-provoking documentaries to entertaining shows reflecting the diverse experiences of our audience. We are dedicated to providing a community space that is a safe and supportive environment where individuals can discuss their thoughts and feelings.

At Unicorns.LIVE, we believe in the power of storytelling to connect people and create positive change in the world. We are committed to amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities and promoting awareness of important health issues. With our platform, we hope to inspire and empower our viewers to make informed decisions about their health and wellness.

Community Commitments:

We at Unicorns.LIVE are committed to creating a safe and inclusive community for all of our users. In order to ensure that our platform remains a welcoming space for everyone, we have established the following community guidelines with a zero tolerance policy for hate speech:

  • 1. Respect others: We expect all users to treat others with respect and kindness, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, ability or any other personal characteristic.

    2. Zero tolerance for hate speech: Hate speech, including language or actions that promote discrimination, bigotry, or intolerance towards any individual or group, will not be tolerated on our platform. This includes, but is not limited to, derogatory language, slurs, and personal attacks.

    3. No bullying or harassment: We do not allow bullying or harassment of any kind on our platform. This includes any behavior that is intended to intimidate, threaten, belittle, shame or harm another person. No doxxing: publishing private identifying information of any individual.

    4. No violence or threats: Users are prohibited from making threats of violence or engaging in any behavior that promotes violence or harm towards others.

    5. Keep it legal: Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using our platform. Any illegal activity or content will be immediately reported to the appropriate authorities.

    6. Be accountable: Users are responsible for their own actions and behavior on our platform. If you witness any violations of our community guidelines, please report them to us immediately.

    We take these guidelines seriously and will not hesitate to take appropriate action against any user who violates them, including removal of content, suspension, or termination of their account. By joining our community, you agree to abide by these guidelines and help us create a safe and inclusive space for all.